T.I. Calls Out 'The Shade Room' Over Pushing a Negative Agenda About His Relationship With His Daughter

T.I.'s relationship with his daughter Deyjah Harris has been a hot button issue since he made remarks about her hymen.

T.I. attends the Justice For Kendrick Johnson Rally

Image via Getty/Paras Griffin

T.I. attends the Justice For Kendrick Johnson Rally

T.I.'s relationship with his daughter Deyjah Harris has been a hot button issue since he made remarks about her hymen. Yet, the rapper feels like some spaces create a divisive narrative surrounding their relationship when they've moved on as a family.

On Monday, Tip took to Instagram where he made a post aimed at The Shade Room. In the post, T.I. shares a conversation between himself, his daughter Deyjah, and other family members regarding the portrayal of their family dynamic by the site.

T.I. blasts The Shade Room pic.twitter.com/i9OImHdsvQ

— SOHH (@sohh) July 27, 2020


"So since our very public mishap (we comically refer to as'hymengate') @theshaderoom reposts all my baby girl's tweets and IG posts and casually insinuates or assumes she's referring to me," T.I. wrote. "We usually just dismiss it or laugh it off cause only WE KNOW WHATS UP WIT US‌ But this time my baby expresses aggravation to us about it so with her permission I'm sharing our exchange." 

In the tweet that was reposted by The Shade Room, Deyjah wrote that people should "watch how you speak to your children. i don’t care how old they are, they still deserve the same respect that you expect in return."

watch how you speak to your children. i don’t care how old they are, they still deserve the same respect that you expect in return.

— Deyjah HarrisđŸ€Ž (@yafavdeyj) July 26, 2020

The Shade Room assumed that Deyjah was talking about her father. But in T.I.'s post, Deyjah tells her father that she doesn't respond to The Shade Room's direct messages or questions because it purposely takes her post out of context.

The posting of her tweets didn't sit well with Deyjah which moved Tip to shift the narrative. 

"I'm sharing this with you all in hope of creating context that will redirect the agendas & intentions of @theshaderoom and their followers when they think of me&my baby girls relationship," T.I. wrote. "That shit still on YALL MINDS... WE MOVED ON LONG AGO... Hopefully now you can too. Love and Respect"

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