Boosie Badazz Denies Claim He's Missed Child Support Payments: 'My Child Wants for Nothin'

Boosie Badazz took to Instagram to refute accusations that one of the mothers of his children made that he has failed to pay child support.

boosie badazz

Image via Getty/Scott Cunningham

boosie badazz

Amidst several other family-related controversies, Boosie Badazz has recently taken to Instagram to set the record straight that he has never missed a child support payment for any of his kids. The lengthy Instagram post from Boosie was triggered by one of his children's mothers—his 11-year-old daughter Lyric Beyonce's mom, Gelisa Hayes—claiming that he did not pay her his due child support for Lyric.

Boosie took to Instagram on Thursday afternoon to tell his side of the story, and clarify that he does, in fact, pay the child support for all of his children's mothers on time.

"For u people to be n my DMs saying Im a deadbeat dad u got me fucked up !!" Boosie wrote in the post. "Ive never missed a child support payment with none of my kids. My child wants for nothin. Ive never missed a payment. Me n daughter have a great relationship Im sure she will be just as pissed as me. Ive never missed a payment to them. Not one BM. Even when my kids r with me for 3-4 months," he continued. "N they don’t have ask they mom for nothin. She wants for nothin. None of them."

Boosie would go on to write that he doesn't have any issues with any of the mothers of his children, and that he's disappointed that Gelisa would make these accusations in the first place. 

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