New Report Paints Wild Picture of RFK Jr.’s VP Pick: $1 Billion Dollar Divorce, Cocaine Parties, Alleged Elon Musk Tryst

Nicole Shanahan calls the report, which again surfaces talk of an alleged Musk affair, "a hit piece."

Lawyer and political commentator, Kennedy Shanahan, speaks at a campaign event, standing at a podium with a "Kennedy 2024" sign
Image via Getty/Brandon Bell
Lawyer and political commentator, Kennedy Shanahan, speaks at a campaign event, standing at a podium with a "Kennedy 2024" sign

Nicole Shanahan, running mate to independent presidential candidate and vaccine conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., says a widely aggregated New York Times report spanning everything from admittedly fun drugs to a noted Twitter ruiner is "a hit piece."

The Times’ piece credited to reporter Kirsten Grind alleges that Shanahan recreationally used ketamine with Elon Musk at a party in 2021, with several sources claiming that the two also had "a sexual encounter" that year. Shortly after the alleged party in question, Shanahan’s then-husband, Google co-founder Sergey Brin, was reported to have filed for divorce. Shanahan’s alleged billion-dollar stature comes mostly from said split.

To be clear, the alleged Muskery was previously thrust into the news cycle back in 2022. At the time, Musk called such claims "total BS" and asserted that he remained "friends" with Brin.

"I’ve only seen Nicole twice in three years, both times with many other people around," he said that July. "Nothing romantic."

Elsewhere in the Times piece, available in full here, it’s alleged that Shanahan, who indeed has never held public office (though positing such a descriptor as some kind of a shock amid the shitshow of present-day American politics seems dangerously naive, at best, and downright delusional at worst), also indulged in cocaine and shrooms during her marriage to Brin.

Drugs, of course, are not in and of themselves a sign of anything inherently negative. Moreover, lumping mere shrooms in with actual drugs is pretty dumb. But the pile-on here has little to do with that, and is more about further dunking on a baffling campaign that, as touched on above, has a direct connection to truly dangerous vaccine-related conspiracies.

As for the Kennedy family at large, many have used their collective platform to speak out against RFK Jr.’s views over the years. In April, more than a dozen Kennedy family members were confirmed to have endorsed the Biden-Harris ticket for 2024.

"Bobby and I get inquiries, from reporters, like this daily," Shanahan said in a tweet shared Friday. "They seem less and less focused on the issues facing the American people."

We call this “The Making of a Hit Piece”@NBCNews @nytimes

Bobby and I get inquiries, from reporters, like this daily. They seem less and less focused on the issues facing the American people.

Instead of spending time answering their requests for comments we are here working…

— Nicole Shanahan (@NicoleShanahan) May 24, 2024

Kennedy, 70, announced Shanahan, 38, as his VP pick back in March, saying at the time that her "intellectual capacity" had left him "awestruck" upon their first meeting.

As for our election year at large, literally every single aspect of it, from every possible angle, is about as depressing and discouraging as one could possibly imagine.

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