Lance Gross x Gap Define Life as a Shot Caller

When it comes to photography, Lance Gross is shot caller - just ask Gap.

When it comes to photography, Lance Gross has a keen focus on spreading his wings and overcoming obstacles on set. He prepares for his shoots by reading the room, feeling the mood, and honing in on a vibe that makes his subjects feel calm, at ease, and in their element. And when challenges arise, Gross is quick to adapt and adjust. 

While shooting famed celebrity stylist Fatima B. (outfitted in a pair of Gap Distressed Cigarette Jeans) the Star actor caters to his subject’s persona. And while it may seem like a matter of pure instinct, building the foundation for becoming a successful photographer isn’t easy. According to Gross, “you gotta earn it, and you gotta put in the work.” Only after that do things fall into place.

Catch up on part 1 and part 2 of Gap’s Shot Caller series, now.

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