This Company Actually Turned Old Couches Into Awesome Sneakers

A company in Europe is converting old couches into sneakers.


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Customizers are no strangers to using the most premium exotic materials like crocodile and python when they want to give a pair of sneakers a luxury makeover. But for one French company, it's the exact opposite.

Bottled water brand Vittel actually used fabric from old couches to make custom sneakers. While the idea that a bottled water company is behind this concept might be a head-scratcher, it actually makes perfect sense. The purpose behind the Couch Converter initiative was to help encourage people to lead a more active lifestyle.

The process was simple: Submit a photo of your couch to Vittel and mail the cut-up fabric upon your application's approval. The result was an exclusive pair of custom runners made from scratch in just eight weeks.

The Couch Convertor program was only available in select European countries, including France, Switzerland, and Germany, and only the first 50 submissions were accepted.

At this time, the program is no longer accepting submissions, but considering Vittel is all about promoting a healthy lifestyle, it might just open up the custom program in the future.




[via PSFK]
