The Rock Just Released His Own Alarm Clock App, and It Is Amazing

Wake up by having The Rock shout at you.

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Getting out of bed in the morning is hard. But what if you had someone to help you? And what if that person was The Rock?

Dwayne Johnson has released his own alarm clock app, and like everything The Rock does, it’s pretty much incredible. Basically, it’s just an alarm clock for iOS or Android, but all the alarms are recorded by The Rock himself. The ‘classic alarm’ is Dwayne Johnson shouting the word ‘BEEP’ over and over again. If you want something a bit different, there are others, like The Rock singing ‘Good Morning Sunshine,” his dog barking, and a sound-a-like version of his classic WWE entrance music.

That’s not all. There’s also the option to sync your alarm clock to The Rock’s, so you can get up at the same time as him. That is currently 4.45am, so no shame if you turn that option off. You can also get a daily motivational video from The Rock, which is basically just like a Snapchat.

There also does not appear to be a snooze button, because The Rock does not snooze.

The app is available free now.

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