Adam Sandler Performs Song About Quarantined Life on 'The Tonight Show'

Sandler dropped by for a video chat on the latest quarantined edition of 'The Tonight Show,' and treated Fallon to a song about isolating.

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Adam Sandler dropped by for a chat on the latest quarantined edition of The Tonight Show, and he treated Jimmy Fallon to a song about isolating. Tackling life under the COVID-19 pandemic, Sandler also used the song as a chance to celebrate essential workers and medical professionals working on the frontlines.

"Doctors brought us into this world as babies, doctors take good care of your grandma,” Sandler sang in tribute to doctors and nurses. “Doctors always give you an old lollipop after hitting your knee with a hammer," sang Sandler from behind some shades, which he admitted he wore so he couldn't be seen reading the lyrics. "Doctors and nurses will save us from this mess if we get them the supplies that they need — and I hope they save us soon because I’m really, really sick of my family. ... We've got to build some more ventilators and make some more masks. We've got to do it now, so let's all come together. I'm teaching math to my kids, and that can't be good for America."

The two also took a moment to chat about the legacy of Robin Williams, offering up some amusing stories about their times with the comedy great. Fallon recalled that he performed a stand-up set with Robin Williams in the audience, and although he bombed his set Williams was the only one laughing.

Watch both clips from the show above.

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