This College Student Dressed Up as Her Grandma to Purchase Some Cheap Vodka

Absolutely brilliant.

college student grandma

Image via Getty/Artyom Geodakyan

college student grandma

For those of us who retained a baby face in the years following high school, a fake ID wasn’t certain to do its job when picking up liquor for your college house party punch or heading downtown to see how many tequila shots your barely adult body could keep down. But, as Mashable points out, one brilliant student named Reema from Virginia Commonwealth University came up with a foolproof way to get her alcohol without question: dressing up like her grandmother.

Dressing head-to-toe in grandma gear, complete with makeup applied to look like wrinkles and glasses, just to grab a couple of bottles of cheap, $9.99 Burnett Vodka may seem like an extra way to participate in some underage drinking, but hey, it worked.

For reference, here is what Reema looks like without her grandma garb.

Needless to say, people on the internet were impressed by her seamless transformation. As of this post, Reema's photos have been liked more than 62,000 times and retweeted more than 14,000 times. For time-saving purposes, it may be easier for college students to find a nice, 21-year-old+ friend to pick up their liquor. Still, I'd love to see Reema pull this off at a club. 

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