


This post was late because after watching this short film, Dressers, by Will Robson-Scott and The Rig Out for Weekend Offender, I just started Googling the UK Casual scene and the Cardiff City Soul Crew and just, like, FUCK, it's all so cool. I've written about soccer hooliganism and my obsession with English cities and style so obviously this shit right up my alley. For those who haven't just spent the past hour on the Internet learning as much as they can about the subject, Casual firms are football team supporters that rather than dress in the colors/uniforms of their teams, wear dope fucking gear. Some say it's because they are really into the fashion, others claiming that it's in order to avoid attention from the police and rival firms. Either way, it's the dopest shit ever. Please stop reading my overly effusive words and just watch the film immediately. If the name Will Robson-Scott sound familiar, it's because he won a Cannes Lion for his incredible Chi-Raq doc.

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