Tangents Vs. The Actual Products


I’ve never really been on many boats or yachts or really anything that floats on water. I’m just not really a boat person. I went to a pretty nice private school growing up. Our prom was held at this restaurant/space that was right on the river. You know how most kids pile like 45 deep into a sketchy ass limo that is normally reserved for ferrying strippers and hookers and shady bros around the city? There were kids at my school that took fucking boats to prom. There is something really cool and Gatsby about a maneuver like that. But fuck those dudes. They end up dying unfulfilled like the rest of us. Yuketen Hermosa Deck shoes. (Nick Grant challenged me to write only the tangent part of a post, AS IF I COULDN’T START OFF TOPIC AND NEVER GET ON TOPIC. I WENT TO LAW SCHOOL, BRO.)

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