Nissan Demonstrates Radiation Screening Process

Stop worrying and start supporting. You won't glow in the dark.

Been eyeing a new GT-R or Leaf, but feeling a little shook about the whole Japanese radiation thing? Nissan has harnessed the power of the Internet to show its potential customers that things are ok.

Detailing the company's radiation detection system, the video shows how radioactive levels are measured at three points - the wheels, the center of the hood, and the steering wheel. It should be mentioned that to date, Nissan has had no problems with any would-be exports having unacceptable levels.

As the disaster at Fukushima continues to unfold, its good to see that most of our Japanese friends in the auto business are able to continue moving forward without much hesitation. Here's wishing the rest of the country a speedy, safe recovery.

[via Integrity Exports

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