10 Ways Instagram Enabled Sneakerheads to Embarrass Themselves

Are you guilty of any of these?


Five years ago, sneakerheads were limited to forums and Twitter when it came to embarrassing themselves online. But the introduction of Instagram proved a valuable platform when it came to making a fool of yourself. In honor of the social media platform's fifth anniversary today, here are 10 ways sneakerheads manage to make fools of themselves via IG.

1. The struggle is real.


You arguably aren't a sneakerhead if you're showing off these Jordan 1 Flight 3s. There's nothing wrong with owning or wearing them—just don't use the #airjordan hashtag and flex with them.

2. Not-so-subtle backgrounds.


“Damn, the Benz is always in the way of my sneaker photoshoots. Guess I'll just put the kicks on top.”

3. Posting fakes.


While we'd never condone the posting or wearing of fakes, here's a tip: stick to grey market and early releases if you’re trying to get a pair past your followers, rather than questionable heat they know has never released.

4. Ruining your sneakers for show.


We get it. Your wealth and connections are so vast that these $3,000 sneakers mean nothing to you. Too bad your thirst for attention is overshadowing it.

5. Flexing too hard.


Resist the urge to fit the maximum amount of hype possible into a single picture.

6. Exposing to the world that you’re a reseller.


Every weekend, sneakerheads who legitimately want to buy sneakers for themselves miss out thanks to resellers. Don’t give them a face to put with a name they already despise.

7. Overmatching.


Matching your kicks to your outfit is not only acceptable, but encouraged. But there’s matching, and then there’s overdoing it.

8. Being too ironic.


Next time you think about taking a picture of a sneaker using props to match its nickname, don't. 

9. Acting too tough.


Those who are really about that life know enough not to leave a trail of evidence on the web. Those who aren't really about that life should stop pretending to be. Either way, there's no need to act tough with your sneakers.

10. Showing off terrible customs.


For every good custom, there are seemingly 25 bad ones. All customizers have to start somewhere, but maybe wait until your skills are a little more refined before sharing with the masses.