10 Cyber Monday Sales That Sneakerheads Need to Check Out

10 Cyber Monday deals that sneakerheads should be checking out.

Cyber Monday was created by Internet retailers as a way to combat the love that brick and mortar retailers received on Black Friday. Previously, the day catered to smaller boutiques and stores that didn't have nationwide distribution. But now, the day is open season and everyone from major corporations to small upstarts celebrate the day. This is a good thing. A very good thing. Retailers sales for Black Friday are down 11 percent from last year, so stores have a bit more of an incentive to add some gusto to the sales they put up on Cyber Monday. Since you skipped the madness that is Black Friday, here are 10 Cyber Monday Sales That Sneakerheads Need to Check Out.


Burn Rubber


Crooked Tongues



Packer Shoes


Finish Line


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