Damon Wayans Wants Everyone to Stop Twisting His Words About Bill Cosby, Words Including "Unrapeable"

Damon Wayans walked into a firestorm of controversy after calling some of Cosby's multiple accusers "unrapeable."

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For most people, the fact that it's most certainly not a good time to make hollow attempts at defending Bill Cosby is simply an unspoken understanding. However, a handful of various celebrities have misguidedly given the Cosby defense a public try or two, an effort that absolutely always ends in a windfall of tweets, multiple apologies, and an eventual retraction of one's original statement.

During his recent appearance on The Breakfast Club, Damon Wayans appeared to have joined that increasingly small club by unleashing a variety of instantly maligned thoughts on Cosby and his seemingly exponential number of victims. Among the popular pull quotes from Wayans' interview were his assertion that some of Cosby's victims are simply "unrapeable," and an inquiry into exactly how large Cosby's penis must be for it to have caused "amnesia for 40 years." However, Wayans' most unfortunate assertion was that the Cosby takedown is nothing more than a "money hustle," instigated by comedian Hannibal Buress as a career move.

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Of course, all of that is ludicrous enough on its own to not warrant a detailed explanation as to its inherent inaccuracies, though a cursory googling should assist those in need of a proper disproving. Days after the interview lit a predictable press fire, Damon appears to be avoiding the usual Cosby Defender cycle by tweeting the same seven-second Breakfast Club interview clip at dozens of people who apparently took issue with his remarks:

Damon's controlled narrative here appears to be that all of his remarks on Cosby and his alleged victims simply fall under the broad category of comedy, something about which Damon obviously knows a great deal. However, whether intended as comedic or serious, the remarks serve only to disparage the validity of Cosby's victims and to shift the discussion from rape to an incongruent argument for protecting former heroes of comedy.

Theorizing that certain women are simply "unrapeable" will never bring the sort of LOLs you should actually want, man.

Do better.


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