'Avengers: Infinity War' Director Provides New Details About Thanos and Hawkeye

"All will be explained when people see the movie. It’s all tied into the story," he said.

As the release of Avengers: Infinity War nears closer, more hints at the storyline of one of 2018's most anticipated films are surfacing. In a recent interview with Total Film magazine, director Anthony Russo gave some details about what to expect regarding Thanos' backstory and Hawkeye's involvement as well. 

The inclusion of Thanos into the Avengers series has been something fans of the series have been clamoring for since the original movie in 2012, and his involvement has caused massive amounts of speculation and excitement. Not only are MCU fans eager to see how the final battle between Marvel's finest heroes and the Mad Titan will shake out, but many questions about how much of Thanos' backstory will be included have also popped up.

"We were considering showing [Thanos’] backstory, but ultimately felt it wasn’t necessary for the movie," said Russo. 

Russo has also discussed in past interviews how a majority of the film will be told from Thanos' point of view, something that he was quick to reaffirm in his latest interview regarding Infinity War once again. 

Along with providing some new information about the film's central antagonist, Russo also touched on the role of one of the lesser-discussed heroes, Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye, although he did more teasing than providing much clarity on the archer's exact role.

"All will be explained when people see the movie. It’s all tied into the story," he said.

Up to this point, Hawkeye has been noticeably absent from promo for the blockbuster, which has worried some fans about his inclusion. While these comments are far from specific, they do ease the fear that Renner's Avenger will be absent from the film entirely.

The cryptic teasers fall in line with the rest the information provided thus far. Aside from a bad ass trailer, both directors and cast from the film have been tight-lipped about the overall plot with the Russo brothers even going as far as to demand fans not spoil the movie while it is currently being shown around the globe for limited screenings.

As if you needed to be told again about the release date probably marked on your calendar already, Avengers: Infinity War officially hits theaters on April 27.

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