Instagram Is Now Bigger Than Twitter

Instagram has passed Twitter in active users with more than 300 million.

Image via Instagram

If a picture is worth a thousand words, it's definitely more popular than 140 characters — at least based on some new numbers that Instagram released today  it is. The photo sharing app owned by Facebook appears to now have more active users than Twitter, despite Twitter's four-year head start. 

The  app that has distinguished itself as the top source for photos of food porn, balling out of control, and celebrities being famous, announced Wednesday that it now has 300 million active monthly users (a jump of 100 million from nine months back), compared to Twitter's most recently announced tally in October of 284 million. 

You probably don't want to send your Twitter handle the way of your Myspace account just yet, though. If Twitter's growth pattern has held on, the company's as-of-yet-unannounced active user average for this quarter is probably around 297 million, Quartz reports

[Via  Quartz]

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