Evil Clown Gangs Are an Actual Problem in France

14 kids were arrested for threatening passers-by with knives and guns while dressed as clowns.

Image via Warner Bros

Showing us that Stephen King had it right all along, towns in France have seen a spate of evil clown related crimes. Seriously. This is literally the worst thing to read first-thing on a Monday.

Over the weekend, 14 youngsters were arrested in Agde–all dressed like sinister clowns, carrying knives and guns and threatening passers-by. According to some reports, it's all part of a 'craze' that's been terrorizing your late night walks home in the US and UK–which we're pretty sure isn't actually a thing.

Those 14 youngsters (read: terrifying weirdos) weren't the first, they're just the most recent of France's clown-related crime pandemic. Yahoo news reported that this weekend alone, a man in Montpellier was arrested for BEATING SOMEONE WITH AN IRON BAR while dressed as a clown and at least three motorists complained of being threatened by 'scary clowns'.

French police have said the furore is down to an internet rumour and that, actually, the number of clown sightings is low. But guys, one evil clown sighting is too many.

Is this the start of a new gang? Le juggalos?

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