What Spring Break is Actually Like, in GIFs

Not exactly paradise.

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Image via Complex Original
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It's that time of the year again: Spring Break. It's the moment you've been thinking about since you got back from Christmas vacation, and the light of the end of the tunnel of a begrudgingly long semester. In your mind, you make up the perfect scenarios about itā€”you'll hook up with super hot randos, drink Coronas at the beach all day, and take body shots off the sexiest people you'll ever meet at night. Essentially, it's paradise.

However, like most things in life, this kind of perfection is rare, and we never really get what we expect. Sure, there's drinking, hook-ups, and beach bumming involved, but it's not quite as pretty. This is what spring break is actually like, in GIFs.Ā 

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When you start dreaming about going on spring break in January

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When you're waiting for class to end so you can finally declare on your Facebook status, "SPrInG BReAK B*TcHeS!"

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When you board the plane with a strict game plan

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When you finally arrive at your tropical destination

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What you think the weather will be like all seven days

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The random tropical storms you didn't expect to happen

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When you wake up every morning

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When you see the beach and you decide you're going to jump right in

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...but you actually run away from the water as soon as it gets past your feet

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When you forget to put on sunscreen

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When you forget to put on sunscreen

When you try and let loose because "what happens on spring break, stays on spring break"

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When you can't wait to hit the clubs and dance with all of the other spring breakers

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...but you actually end up just getting hit on by the creepy locals

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What you think you look like heading to the club

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What you think you look like heading to the club

What you really look like heading to the club

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What you really look like heading to the club

When you get home and pray to the Porcelain God

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When miraculously you wake up in your own hotel room after a night of blacking out

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When you have to apologize for your drunken antics to your friends

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When you pass by the bar your friends say you did body shots at the night before

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When you get back to school and post your pictures online just to rub it in

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