Japan Finally One-Ups Panty Vending Machines With The Weirdness That Is "Catherine"

Atlus' new game is...well, it's...see, the thing is...ah, screw it, we have no idea.

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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catherineBy Richie Procopio

I'm not sure what the hell I just watched, but I think I want to play it. The Japanese have done it again and created another game to push the freaky meter off the charts. Catherine features a guy with sheep horns... in his underwear... armed with a pillow. Yeeeeeeeah. If you need some more context, it looks like the naked guy is working for a bunch of bipedal sheep and the enemy takes the form of oversized eating utensils that try and puncture him. All together, now: "WTF, Japan?"

Digging deeper, the game is about a man named Vincent—who's apparently fond of heart-covered boxers—who begins having nightmares after meeting a strange (and sexy!) woman named Catherine. Vincent's neighbors have been turning up dead in their beds with horrifying looks of anguish on their face. As his nightmares blend with reality, Vincent realizes that he too will die unless he fends off the horrors in his nightmares. Catherine will be available in Japan this spring with no word yet about a U.S. release. If that does end up happening, though, we can't imagine Fox News won't have something to say about it. Check the trailer below—and don't say we didn't warn you...

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