Rimzee Switches Things Up With Haile And Tiggs Da Author For "Anything" Remix

Stepping away from the usual tough-talking street rap, "Anything" opens up the Clapton rapper's romantic side — just in time for Valentine's Day.

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Rimzee has been on a scorching run of late that includes Upper Clapton Dreams 2 and a load of singles and freestyles, but today he’s back with something a little different. Stepping away from the usual tough-talking street rap, “Anything” opens up the Clapton rhymer’s romantic side and was one of UPD2’s highlights.

WSTRN singer Haile featured on the original, but the remix comes today—Valentine’s Day—with an additional feature from fellow UK rap hook-master Tiggs Da Author. “There was only two man I could think of to complete the job for this song,” Rimzee tells us, “and that was Tiggs or Haile. I went with the Haile hook then I thought Tiggs’ one was also very hard so I shouted Tiggs about a remix. He was up for it and I’m glad he did it because he took the song to a whole next level.”

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