DMX Wants the Other Earl Simmons to Pay His Child Support

Smart move or nah?

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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DMX has a message for the other person sharing the same government name—pay the fuck up.

X has had his troubles with the law. He was recently jailed in July for failing to pay child support, but was later freed in September. Apparently, X has been able to breathe easy lately because another guy named Earl Simmons is taking the bullet and being forced to pay his child support.

Does X have a warm thank you to give him?

“Why ain’t he in jail yet? ‘Cause clearly he hasn’t paid," he tells TMZ. "Earl Simmons, pay that motherfuckin’ money, aight?”

Aight. X goes to say that if Earl Simmons actually does dish out the cash (he’s reportedly owes $400,000  in child support), he’ll give him free tickets. They better be the best seats in the house, X.

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