Creepy Donald Trump Mannequins Pop up at Designer Jewelry Stores

Creepy Donald Trump mannequins pop up at Alexis Bittar jewelry stores across the country.

Image via @alexisbittar

Donald Trump is officially everywhere. Now you can’t even go jewelry shopping without that unmistakable head of hair following you. Jewelry brand Alexis Bittar has created blinged-out Trump mannequins for eight of the brand's store windows including its New York, Boston, Los Angeles and Washington DC locations.

Not only is Mr. Trump fully decked out in more Alexis Bittar jewelry than your favorite rapper, he’s also wearing a suit made of money and accompanied by a speech bubble with one of his infamous quotes: “I mean, part of the beauty of me is that I'm very rich.” If you’re not a fan of the outspoken businessman, like these 100,000 people, the good news is the brand has promised the mannequins of the mogul won’t be around for too long. 

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