Banksy Won a Webby Award, and He Made This Video Instead of Giving a Speech

Banksy screened a highlight reel of his New York residency instead of giving a speech at the Webby Awards.

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Banksy won the "Person of the Year" Webby Award last week for his street art attack on New York in October called "Better Out Than In." For a month, the anonymous British street artist dropped a piece a day on the city, which Banksy referred to as his New York residency.

As expected, the camera shy stencil king didn't show up to accept his Webby. Instead, he screened a video about his residency in the Big Apple, which a voice over in the video says is "an honor so prestigious, he made it up and awarded it to himself.”

The tongue-in-cheek video is what we would expect from Banksy's biting sense of humor. It looks like a newsreel of his New York project. “Although it took place entirely on the street, the show found its true resonance online, becoming less an art show than a citywide full contact game of hide and seek,” an affected voice delivers in the video, giving reason for why Banksy received the Webby.

While the underwhelming video is supposed to be cheesy, its tone falls flat. At this point, we expect more from the graffiti kingpin. He does have a Webby Award, after all.

RELATED: A Timeline of Every Piece From Banksy's "Better Out Than In" New York Residency
RELATED: Banksy's "Better Out Than In" Took Place on the Internet, Not the Streets

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