Pete Carroll Wants to Get LeBron James Into a Seattle Seahawks Jersey

Good luck getting this guy to make a decision, Coach.

October 13, 2011
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Okay, okay, okay...This joke has gone far enough. Two days after LeBron James tweeted ESPN's John Clayton and asked if he could tell him the deadline for signing with NFL teams this season—he later claimed he was just kidding—Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll isn't ready to let the joke go.

First, he tweeted King James and asked if he knew what the NFL's rookie minimum salary is, to which LBJ responded, "yeah more than what I'm making now Coach." Then, he tried complimenting James by saying that he thinks of him as touchdown maker but also asked if he could pass rush, too. "TD maker!" LeBron said. And, finally, Coach Carroll went all in last night by having someone in the 'Hawks marketing department put together this jersey featuring Bron-Bron's name on the back.

Ha! Not a bad way to wrap things up. This was fun while it lasted, fellas. Now, let's give it a rest. [via Twitter]