How Your First Car Was Like Your First Relationship

Was it a fixer-upper?

There are numerous memorable major milestones in your life that really help develop you as a human being. Two of the most important are getting your first car and getting into your first relationship. Although one is with another person and one is with an object, it's actually pretty surprising how much the two experiences parallel. From the excitement to the let down, see how How Your First Car Was Like Your First Relationship


When you're first choosing, you have no preconceived notions and have nothing but thoughts of happiness and hope. 

And you make it "official," and nothing else matters and you're the happiest person on the planet. 

You have to tell everybody and blast out social media posts like it's your job. 

Then you go out in public just because you're so excited and want everybody to see you two together. 

But your parents will be like, "bitch, I'm killin' your vibe," because they'll try to chaperone and will question everything you're doing. 

Which will really frustrate you. 

But then your first big problem/fight comes up. 

And you'll have no idea what to do, which leads to your realization that your parents are actually a good source of help, even though you really, really don't want to go to them. 

Once you assess the situation, you'll probably have to spend some cash to fix/make up for the problem. And you'll start to understand how expensive car ownership/relationships are. 

And the whole thing will start to lose a bit of its luster. 

Especially when your friend gets a better one. 

And just when you've come to terms with your relationship not working out, she will break down/up with you out of nowhere. 

And you'll get sad all over again and pretend things were great, because it didn't end on your terms.

Then the next day you'll see a nicer model and fall in love all over again. 

Still, that first one will always have a special place in your heart. 

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