Is Blake Griffin Going to Start Shooting Three-Pointers This Season? (Video)

The Clippers forward took one during a preseason game last night.


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Blake Griffin isn't known for his ability to shoot the basketball. He did add a pretty reliable midrange jumper to his game last season, which allowed him to increase his scoring average from 18.0 points per game during the 2012-13 NBA season to 24.1 points per game during the 2013-14 NBA season. But he's probably not the guy the Clippers would want to take a jump shot at the end of a game. And he's definitely not a guy that the Clippers would trust to start taking three-pointers during games. Er, right?

Probably. But during the Clippers' first preseason game of the year last night, Griffin actually stepped out beyond the three-point line, took a three, and made it. And it wasn't, like, the fourth quarter when he took it, either. He took it midway through the first quarter, which leads us to believe that BG might start trying to take a few more threes during games this season. He only took 44 of them last year—and made just 27 percent of his three-point attempts. But if he spent his summer working on shooting from beyond the three-point line, he might start trying to take more of them in the future.

And if Griffin starts making them? Look out, league. He'll obviously be even more dangerous than he already is.

[via Eye on Basketball]

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