The Latest Sneaker Unboxer Just Changed The Game


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Brad Hall is the newest in a wave of YouTube sneaker unboxers and reviewers, and let me tell you this, he is already a fucking legend. He's about to take this shit over for real. To be honest, this is so much better than any sneaker blogger out there who just gets shit for free, opens the box and shows you photos of the sneakers they just got while wearing some garbage fit. It's whatever. I usually watch them when I'm avoiding doing my job. But Brad here is the man and he knows what the people want.

Ya boy Brad's "so honored" to give you the breakdown of the "Michael Air Jordan 4s in black and grey" in all their detailed glory and even shows you how to rock them with different looks, from khakis to light khakis to dark khakis to basketball shorts that, upon further inspection, are—yep, you guessed it—khaki shorts. He's so official with this shit that he calls the signature Jumpman by its proper name, the "Michael Air Jordan dunking" logo, in case you weren't aware. And what would an unboxing video be without a little service? Brad recommends going true-to-size and not ordering a boy's 6.5, which he's made the unfortunate mistake of doing in the past. Hopefully you're taking notes because Brad is dropping some serious knowledge here.

So, shout out to Brad, our new favorite sneaker unboxer on the planet. PLEASE do more of these, especially because you just ethered our entire "Honest Unboxings" series.