Four Rising Stars on COLORS Get Decked out in Clarks Originals

Clarks Originals have teamed up with COLORS to showcase four rising talents alongside the Clarks Originals Desert Trek, Wallabee, & Kiowa Sport. 

colors clarks4


colors clarks4

Clarks Originals have teamed up with COLORS to showcase four rising talents alongside the Clarks Originals Desert Trek, Wallabee, & Kiowa Sport. 

Standing parallel as pioneers within their respective fields, COLORS, and Clarks Originals have curated a standout lineup of four rising and underground artists from across the globe. Each artist lent their voice to the contemporary music platform that is COLORS, offering up a unique performance of one of their standout tracks.  

The lineup that includes 070 Shake, Snoh Aalegra, Ama Lou, and Mick Jenkins were each decked out in one of the Clarks Originals iconic silhouettes. 

Take a look at each star in their respective silhouette, and head over to the COLORS youtube channel to watch each performance now. 


