Protestors Leave Thousands of Shoes at U.S. Capitol

Protestors leave 7,000 pairs of shoes at U.S. Capitol in ongoing push for gun reform.

Washington D.C. Capitol Gun Violence Protest Shoes

Image via @LissandraVilla on Twitter

Washington D.C. Capitol Gun Violence Protest Shoes

As gun violence continues to plague the nation, protestors are taking their message to the doorstep of lawmakers in Washington D.C.

7,000 shoes were left on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol this morning in memory of the children whose lives have been lost to gun violence since 2012's Sandy Hook shooting. The protest, which uses the hashtag #NotOneMore, was organized by human rights organization Avaaz.

"Shoes from family members of victims as well celebrities and citizens across the country will be displayed from early morning," Avaaz said in a statement

Following today's demonstration, the shoes will reportedly be donated to charities. 

Activists placed 7,000 pairs of shoes in front of the US Capitol building on Tuesday, to remember children killed by gun violence since the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre

7000 shoes outside the U.S. Capitol rn to represent the children who lost their lives due to guns since Sandy Hook. Tom Mauser brought a pair of his son Daniel’s shoes to help w/ this installation. Daniel was 15 when he was shot and killed at Columbine. #NotOneMore @Avaaz @MoveOn

— Sara Pearl (@skenigsberg) March 13, 2018