Get This Look: Agassi Becomes A Tennis Legend in Acid Wash Nike Shorts

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Gear: Challenge Court Acid Wash Shorts from Nike Tennis

Agassi has always been one-to-watch on the court, with the legendary Nike Challenge Court Collection and blonde mullet sealing the deal in the early '90s. The Lycra tights underneath served a functional aspect to the acid wash explosion on top, call it a "business-in-the-baselayer / party-on-top" concept. Same as today's compression gear, the base shorts aim to squeeze leg muscles to provide support for a quicker response time, as well as suppling a smoother surface to contrast the rougher denim material. While the Lycra / cotton combo doesn't look ideal these days, the slightly pleated pockets look like they can store their share of loose tennis balls.

According to Agassi's autobiography Open, when Nike first offered the acid wash shorts to John McEnroe the senior player turned them down. The young Agassi scooped them up, pinned in his hair and made history with Brooke Shields in the stands. #King.

Bottom Line: Cop for the loud tennis look, but leave these courtside for today's game.

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