Dexter Fowler To Present President Obama with a Special Pair of Air Jordans

Dexter Fowler will present President Obama with a special pair of Air Jordans on behalf of Jordan Brand.

Before President Obama exits the White House for good, he has one more visit lined up with a sports champion.

Dexter Fowler and the 2016 Chicago Cubs will make their way to Washington D.C. to meet the POTUS tomorrow, and Fowler won't be arriving empty-handed. Tonight, the center fielder shared a short video on Instagram indicating that he has a special pair of Air Jordans to gift the Chicago native. While the shoes weren't revealed, the clip shows a special box bearing the Presidential Seal and a dust bag featuring Derek Jeter's "Re2pect" logo.

According to Fowler, the gifting will be shown tomorrow on The Players Tribune's Instagram, so give it a follow to see what President Obama may be wearing once out of office.

Image via <a href="">dexterfowler</a>