J.J. Abrams and His Son Henry to Debut 'Spider-Man' Comic

J.J. Abrams might just be one of the busiest people in Hollywood, and that reputation is set to follow him as he enters the world of Marvel Comics.

J.J. Abrams

Image via Getty/Bill Watters

J.J. Abrams

J.J. Abrams might just be one of the busiest people in Hollywood, and that reputation is set to follow him as he gears up to make his Marvel Comics debut later this year with his son Henry Abrams in tow. Henry and J.J. will co-write a new five-issue run of Spider-Man that they've been developing for several years, with artists Sara Pichelli and Olivier Coipel providing the visuals.

To coincide with the announcement of the Spider-Man comic, Abrams and his son spoke with The New York Times. "The story shows Peter Parker in a way you haven’t seen him before," J.J. explained. "Spider-Man is one of those super heroes where the more you read about him, for me at least, the less I understand him," Henry added. "He’s so anti-everything that you’d expect from a hero. I think Stan Lee said something about putting the human in superhuman. That is what we’re trying to do."

The new comic will also see the introduction of a new villain named Cadaverous, although they didn't offer up any details. Marvel Entertainment officially announced the miniseries on Twitter alongside a video, in which the father-son duo shared their excitement for the project.

🕸️ The secret's out! This September, @jjabrams and Henry Abrams team up with artist @sara_pichelli for a #SpiderMan miniseries featuring a deadly new villain: https://t.co/kFXztvCosC #MarvelComics pic.twitter.com/m5Drg3rrq9

— Marvel Entertainment (@Marvel) June 20, 2019

Spider-Man #1 arrives this September. 

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