Terrence Howard Claims He Remembers Being Born and That Gravity Can Be Killed in Bonkers Joe Rogan Interview

For years, the 'Empire' star has been attempting to disprove gravity and the Pythagorean Theorem, while claiming 1x1=2 and that straight lines are an illusion.

Terrence Howard at a red carpet event, wearing a black tuxedo with a bow tie and a patterned jacket
Aaron J. Thornton / Getty Images
Terrence Howard at a red carpet event, wearing a black tuxedo with a bow tie and a patterned jacket

Terrence Howard made some pretty bizarre claims during a recent appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast.

On Saturday’s episode of the Joe Rogan Experience, the Empire actor, 55, asserted that he could “kill” gravity, debunk the Pythagorean Theorem, “rebuild Saturn without gravity,” and that he doesn’t believe in the number zero.

“We’re about to kill gravity. We’re about to kill their God, gravity, and they don’t want that,” Howard told Rogan, per the Daily Beast, before showing a video demonstration of a method involving “linchpins” to remove gravity from Saturn, claiming this force shapes the planet’s rings and hexagon without dark matter or energy.

Rogan, 56, unsurprisingly engaged with Howard’s theories throughout the three-hour episode, which opened with the actor saying he could remember being born and circumcised. He also mentioned a bizarre theory about how straight lines aren't real.

'Terrence Howard to Joe Rogan: 'Straight lines are an illusion...if you look at it from the side, from its real perspective, you see that it's not.'' pic.twitter.com/a9n1gMx1cg

— podcastmentions.com - books mentioned on podcasts (@PodMentions) May 18, 2024
Twitter: @PodMentions

Terrence Howard is either having a schizophrenic break or he's the smartest man alive and I'm too dumb to know which pic.twitter.com/a0IIHLwr3e

— Clint Russell (@LibertyLockPod) May 21, 2024
Twitter: @LibertyLockPod

'Terrence Howard to Joe Rogan: 'We're about to kill gravity... they don't want that. I've got a model with 16 vortexes in a bench pin configuration, no center attractor, and no gravity whatsoever.'' pic.twitter.com/7PLcaiM0v5

— podcastmentions.com - books mentioned on podcasts (@PodMentions) May 19, 2024
Twitter: @PodMentions

The Daily Beast also noted that Howard once said during a 2015 Rolling Stone interview that he studied chemical engineering at Pratt University but dropped out after arguing with a professor over what one multiplied by one equals. He revisited the argument again two years later on Twitter sharing “proof” that 1x1=2.

This is the proof to the World of Science and Mathematics that 1x1=2.#mathematics #worldofscience @rollingstone #proof pic.twitter.com/7uOMrNshia

— Terrence D Howard (@terrencehoward) November 1, 2017
Twitter: @terrencehoward

He made another claim to Jimmy Kimmel in 2013 that he held a doctorate in applied material and chemical engineering from South Carolina State University, according to an archived report from CNN. It was eventually revealed that he never attended the university and was only given an honorary degree, a Doctor of Humane Letters, after giving a speech during a Commencement address at the university in 2012.

How are we not talking about the Terrance Howard interview on the red carpet at #Emmys2019 with @KTLA @SamOnTV WHAT ON EARTH DID I JUST WATCH!?!?!? pic.twitter.com/6NBilrkFM0

— StephenGlickman (@StephenGlickman) September 23, 2019
Twitter: @StephenGlickman

Howard infamously brought his gravity lecture to the red carpet at the Emmys in 2019, leaving the hosts completely perplexed.

You can watch the full interview here.

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