Journalist Goes Undercover as 'Trump TV' Reporter at Bernie Sanders Rally

Spoiler Alert: People weren't amused.


One handwriting expert says that Bernie Sanders leads with his heart and is clear about his views, while Donald Trump is a “hunk of a man” who lacks empathy. Both interpretations are open to debate but it’s safe to say that supporters of the Presidential hopefuls are wildly different. So when a Huffington Post journalist went undercover as a ‘”Trump TV” reporter at a rally for Sanders, the reactions varied from slight irritation to outright hostility.

In a video posted to Facebook, the journalist first tackles regular New Yorkers to gauge their opinions on Trump. One man lauded the yellow-haired businessman because he “tells the truth and says it how it is.” However, when she tried to troll Sanders supporters at a gathering, people weren’t as friendly. Perhaps it had something to do with her question: “What do you think we should do about the Muslim problem” isn’t exactly light conversation. 

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