ABC Wants to Remake "Uncle Buck" as a Series with an All-Black Cast

Get ready for made white people.

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Image via Complex Original
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ABC is looking to adopt the strategy of revamping an old franchise with an all-black cast and not giving a fuck what racist white people think. The network reportedly wants to remake Uncle Buck as a TV series with a black family. The show hasn't even reached pilot status, but the families of John Hughes and John Candy—who directed and starred in the original 1989 film, respectively—are already pissed

White people were also outraged about the new Annie starring Quvenzhané Wallis and the mere idea of Idris Elba playing James Bond. Yet somehow life has continued, and Hollywood keeps churning out whitewashed, historically inaccurate projects like Exodus: Gods and Kings. Every remake for the next decade could go all-black everything, and the scales wouldn't budge. But that wouldn't stop Rush Limbaugh from acting like white men are the oppressed minority.  

[via A.V. Club]


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