"Entourage" Movie is Shooting Pick-Ups at the Golden Globes Tonight

Vince Chase and Co. are going to the 2015 Golden Globes.

Image via HBO

Get ready for loads of celeb videobombs in the upcoming Entourage movie. Variety TV reporter Cynthia Littleton overheard a little bird (well, a big bird: Al Roker, talking to Jeremy Piven) say that the primary actors in the upcoming movie will be on the Golden Globes' red carpet tonight to shoot some extra footage for the summer flick.

The red carpet starts at 7pm Eastern Standard Time. And it is raining in Beverly Hills. Of the many celebs who will be there, we're hoping that Vince Chase (Adrian Grenier) gets bum-rushed by a (seemingly) more open to hijinks Joaquin Phoenix

Whose elbows would you like him to cozy up to? Which of the show's crazy past celeb cameos might they be able to revisit? Is Matt Damon going to be in the house tonight?

Entourage, the movie, hits theaters on June 5. But here's the gang tonight:


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