World's Biggest Image Sensor Detects Early-Stage Cancer

Scientists in the U.K. develop the largest microchip to help fight cancer.


The world's biggest microchip isn't that micro at all. At roughly 200 times the size of the average computer processor, DyNAMITe, a five-inch CMOS chip developed at the U.K.'s University of Lincoln, is the biggest image sensor that can be made using the industry standard 20cm wafer. 

DyNAMITe's massive size allows it to capture much more data than the traditional CMOS. This newfound advantage will be used by doctors to detect cancer cells in their earliest stages. The University of Lincoln along with The Institute of Cancer Research and the Royal Marsden Hospital will begin doing some real-world tests with the chip to see how and when it will be ready for primetime. Who said bigger wasn't better? 

[University of Lincolnvia PC World

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