DMX Finally Made a Studio Version of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"

Earl Simmons is becoming a Christmas legend.

dmx rudolph
P&P Original


dmx rudolph

What's the happiest you've ever seen DMX? For me, the answer's obvious: it's when Power 105 asked him to perform "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" in a 2012 interview.

There's no hesitation. He launches into the Christmas classic, quickly dismisses an offer of lyrics—"I know the lyrics"—and even drops himself a beat for the second half.

Five years later, DMX and Spotify Singles have teamed up to make it official. DMX's version is called "Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer," and is produced by Divine Bars. Though the reasons why are unclear (is that a Sage the Gemini reference?), I think the change from "Red-Nosed" to "Rednose" is an improvement.

X does not hold back, roaring reindeer names over sleigh bells and recreating some of the original ad-libs. Listen to the new version below, then revisit the original magic.
