Summer One-Hit Wonders: Can You Guess Them?

Can you guess these one hit wonders from summers past?

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Complex Original

Image via Complex Original

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In the wake of summer, there is always the desire to curate the perfect playlist and the song you can put on repeat to accompany your the sweat, iced tea, and pool party shenanigans the season inevitably brings. Amidst the hits from your favorite artists, every year births a one-hit wonder: that mythical music creature that emerges out of nowhere every summer before departing from our lives forever.

Perhaps they decide to go off the grid and live in a distant village, perhaps they board a spaceship to be one of the first inhabitants on Mars, maybe they decide to renounce music altogether, who knows? 

We rounded up a few employees and sat them down with several summer hits from the past to see if they could remember the artists behind the "hit" song who created the music. Can you guess the track and the artist? Are these artists and songs really one hit wonders? Watch and see.

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