Kehlani Is Back on Twitter

Kehlani makes her triumphant return to Twitter.

September 18, 2016
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Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Kehlani has been off Twitter for over a year, after she deleted it following an altercation with United Airlines last July. Now, she's made her triumphant return with a perfect tweet.

Kehlani's account disappeared last July after she was kicked off a United Airlines flight. She took to Twitter after the incident to call the company out, claiming that a flight attendant had directed racist remarks at her. Shortly afterwards, the account disappeared, and a post on her Instagram explained that she had gotten rid of Twitter for her mental health. "Due to constantly being misunderstood..Having my words constantly used against me... And for the sake of my mental health... I deactivated my Twitter account. From now on I’ll just let my music speak,” she wrote at the time.

She later explained her reasoning in an appearance on The Come Up Show. "Not on no cocky shit, but I don't want that. Mentally that fucks you up," she said. "You sit on there all day looking for people's opinions of yourself. Looking for people to validate if you think you're tight or not. Looking to people to let you know that the shit you genuinely love to put out that makes you happy actually makes you happy."

She went on to point out that she didn't believe that artists aren't still searching their names to look up what people are saying about them, noting that the whole process was unhealthy.

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With her latest tweet, it looks like Kehlani has sorted out her social media issues and is ready to get back to connecting directly with her fans. You can follow her on Twitter here.
