Man Illegally Crosses U.S.-Mexico Border, Immediately Starts Ranting Against Immigrants Coming Over The Border Too Easily

The Turkish migrant said U.S. citizens should be concerned with how easy it was for him to enter the country illegally.

A section of the US-Mexico border wall in a rural area, featuring barbed wire and a dirt road running alongside it
(Image via Getty)
A section of the US-Mexico border wall in a rural area, featuring barbed wire and a dirt road running alongside it

migrant who entered the United States through Mexico illegally began criticizing the lack of security at the border almost immediately after he crossed the border.

The man had a conversation with Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin and claimed there was no security presence or any background checks when he crossed the U.S.-Mexico border after paying $10,000 to a cartel. According to the man, he couldn’t believe how easy it was to enter the country and that Americans should be worried about national security. 

“The American people is right, completely true. Who comes into this country? They don't know. OK, I'm good, but how if they're not good,” the man told Fox News. "How if they're killers, psychopath, [something] else? No guarantee of that. Like, no security, no security check, no background check."

Illegal Immigrant from Turkey is shocked by lack of security on US Border he just illegally crossed

— ɖʀʊӄքǟ ӄʊռʟɛʏ 🇧🇹🇹🇩 (@kunley_drukpa) May 23, 2024
Twitter: @kunley_drukpa

The man's trek took 24 days, taking him to various countries including Qatar, Dubai, Egypt, South Africa, and Brazil before making his way to Central America to cross over into the U.S. 

In his X post, Melugin wrote, “A Turkish man who crossed into Jacumba, CA illegally w/ a group of other Turkish men told me he paid $10k to a cartel, & expressed shock at how easy it was to cross the U.S. border with no resistance, telling me Americans should be 'worried' about security & who is crossing."

Other people on social media were quick to make fun of the situation. One person tweeted, “Lmfao first person to give the boarder [sic] crossing a one star review for lack of security.” 

“He is already a conservative after crossing the border illegally,” another person wrote. Someone else mentioned Sasha Baron Cohen reprising his role as Borat to make fun of the border situation. 

“I feel like there is a great need for Borat to do another movie illegally crossing into the US,” the person tweeted.

Lmfao first person to give the boarder crossing a one star review for lack of security

— rcaiiin (@rcaiiin) May 23, 2024
Twitter: @rcaiiin

He is already a conservative after crossing the border illegally

— Ben (@edm_capital) May 23, 2024
Twitter: @edm_capital

I feel like there is a great need for Borat to do another movie illegally crossing into the US

— Olivia Rondeau 🇺🇸 (@rondeaulivia) May 23, 2024
Twitter: @rondeaulivia

Fox News had reported that a number of immigrants from China and Turkey have crossed into Southern California. According to the Los Angeles Times, San Diego has been the busiest location for immigrants as U.S. Customs and Border Patrol have said 37,370 people came into the country in April. 

Check out more reactions to the immigrant's comments below.

This is hilarious 😂 man made it through and started worrying about illegal immigration five minutes after crossing.

— Metodika (@Metodika3873) May 24, 2024
Twitter: @Metodika3873

i assume the $10k he paid to make it easy was part of why it was so easy

gotta lock that shit down but sneaky a $10k upfront fee’s not a terrible filter for industrious risk takers 🤔

— Ian Watts (@_ianwatts_) May 23, 2024
Twitter: @_ianwatts_

Hopefully he votes for Trump in November

— Nico (@NicoloLuccini) May 23, 2024
Twitter: @NicoloLuccini

He should run for office, Democrats would allow it, Republicans would vote for him.

— Igor Jaramaz 🇷🇸🇨🇦 UN SC 1244 (@IgorJaramaz) May 24, 2024
Twitter: @IgorJaramaz

Even the illegal immigrant is shocked

— ラフィンマン (@raufinmen) May 24, 2024
Twitter: @raufinmen

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