People Are Already Encountering Hate Speech Online and IRL Following Trump Election Victory

Some people are already encountering hate speech both online and in real life in light of Donald Trump’s election victory.

Make America Great Again sign at Trump rally.

Image via Getty Images/Joe Raedle

Make America Great Again sign at Trump rally.

On Tuesday night, Donald Trump was elected president. Trump, who was endorsed by the KKK, pledged in his victory speech, "I will be president for all Americans." But many Trump supporters apparently missed that message.

Former KKK leader, Holocaust denier, convicted felon, white supremacist, Nazi sympathizer, and Trump supporter David Duke lost in the Senate race in Louisiana. But the racist leader was clearly happy about Trump's victory. Calling the election "one of the most exciting nights of my life," Duke claimed "our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!"

— Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) November 9, 2016

Claiming "we have the moral high ground, 100%," Duke, whose Trump-related tweets also included Confederate flags, sees Trump's victory as a chance to "TAKE AMERICA BACK!!!" While Trump's own victory speech tried to promote unity, Duke doesn't buy it. Anyone who claims a vote for Trump is a vote for "unity," Duke tweeted, "is a liar and they know it!" The tweet, which included a picture of a blonde white woman, went on to suggest that a vote for Trump is actually a vote for white supremacy: "This was a vote for AMERICA FIRST!"

Street vendor here just yelled, "hey guys, at least now it will be legal to grab pussy!" And high-fived a group of men who laughed.

— Prachi Gupta (@prachigu) November 9, 2016

Trump supporter Roger Stone also tweeted a racist meme:

I guess once you go black you can go back 🤔🤔🤔🤔 #TrumpDay #MAGA

— Ryan Gates (@gatorsfan4lyf) November 9, 2016

And it hasn't just been prominent people celebrating deplorable ideas and behavior. Average citizens are, too.

A Cosmopolitan writer tweeted she witnessed men high-fiving and joking about how "at least now it will be legal to grab pussy," referring to Trump's infamous comments

So I just got word that white students at GA Southern were going around telling black people "Donald Trump won niggers", smh.

— K4R (@kaleel_4real) November 9, 2016

Some Twitter users also found it funny that people were upset about Trump's victory:

Texas A&M had white people driving up and down the streets in their trucks yellin "fuck niggers"...

— Double R Karson (@KingKarson135) November 9, 2016

Just got told on BART that I'm one of the good ones and don't have to worry about deportation. Also, did I really go to MIT? Just a test.

— kiran (@kiranb) November 9, 2016

Another person tweeted that white students at Georgia Southern University were allegedly telling black people, "Donald Trump won niggers." There were similar reports at other colleges as well.

My teenage cousins, who had to stop riding school bus earlier in year because of racist taunts, begged my aunt to let them skip school today

— Joel D. Anderson 🆓 (@byjoelanderson) November 9, 2016

Pro-Trump swastika graffiti shows up in Philadelphia overnight

— Matt Novak (@paleofuture) November 9, 2016

A woman in California tweeted that someone told her she's "one of the good ones and [doesn't] have to worry about deportation."

#Philly Police investigate Trump swastika graffiti as possible hate crime. by @DanaDiFilippo

— WHYY News (@WHYYNews) November 9, 2016

A Jezebel writer tweeted a screenshot of an email calling her a "monkey."

A New York-based editor shared this story about an encounter she had on Wednesday in the same city where Trump is currently celebrating his election victory.

BuzzFeed News reporter tweeted about his cousins who were afraid to go to school on Wednesday.

And this designer/photographer from California shared a troubling story as well.

In Philadelphia, swastikas, racist graffiti, and references to Donald Trump have appeared throughout the city.

President-elect Donald Trump will be inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2017.

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