Dating App Reveals The Most Desired Guy In Each State AKA You Have No Shot


If you aren't aware of Lulu yet, you should be because women are on there either slandering your entire existence or touting your gospel around the world. It's basically Yelp for men with women reviewing every aspect of your life. Are you a dick? Do you have money? How good are you at the sex? How about your career? Along with a general review of all the things you're either good or bad at, there is also a bevy of hashtags women use to describe you, like #stronghands (WOW) or #someseriousbling (WHY) and even #notadick (SURE).

But what's the point of all this if you can't be THE BEST? Like, let's definitely make this into a competition, right? Hell yeah. Well, Business Insider took it upon themselves to link up with Lulu to compile the "most popular men" in every state. Here they are, bros. This are your competition. It's worth knowing that no one got a perfect 10.0 (because Ryan Gosling is off the market), but some of these stud muffins scored as high as 9.7. Yeah, I agree, at this point, giving up is probably your best option. Because, if you're reading Four Pins, it's extremely likely you're a gigantic fucking piece of garbage.

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