Your Favorite Websites You Love To Hate


Are you guys excited for winter yet? I AM. Can't. Fucking. Wait. I may or may not have purchased a fairly expensive winter coat that will allow me to look like a million fucking bucks. SPOILER ALERT: I DID. It's too bad the pockets will be absolutely empty for a the first few weeks of winter because I spent it all on my new winter coat. But I'm not that worried about it. And neither should you. Cop this Camoshita overcoat and, to be honest, everything else will just work itself out. That's what I tell myself every time I make an ill-advised purchase. If you are an aspiring menswear god, you probably can write this off. Just tell the IRS that you had to buy it in order to further your career of complaining about what seem to be seasonally inappropriate alphets in NYFW street style in the comments of your favorite websites you love to hate.

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