"The Newsstand" Doesn't Sell Your Usual Celebrity Gossip Magazines

A different kind of newspaper.

July 7, 2013
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Gaining momentum as a movement aimed at spreading offbeat and independent media, a series of art newsstands are popping up at various locations in New York and Los Angeles. While these stores operate and are arranged like traditional newsstands, they are distinguished by their selection of independent publications and zines, offering an alternative source from what is available in mass-produced, mass-distributed media.

"The Newsstand" by ALLDAYEVERYDAY, located at the Lorimer/Metropolitan subway station in Brooklyn, will be open through July 20. Occupying a former MTA newsstand space, the shop offers a variety of choices from publishers including Desert Island Books, Dashwood Books, Hamburger Eyes, and McNally Jackson. They even have a sticker machine and offer some zines for free. "Summer Issues Cooperative at Greene Exhibitions," carrying nonprofit publications from Los Angeles, New York, London, and Vancouver, is open until July 13 in Culver City, Los Angeles. While so far, we have only seen a handful of such artist newsstands, the potential behind the stores are sure to cause a blow-up of independent media across larger audiences.

[via Hyperallergic]