Get Lost in Henrique Oliveria's Multi-Sensory Walk-In Sculpture

A place to hide from the gallery world.

November 2, 2013
Not Available Lead
Image via Complex Original
Complex Original

Check out these incredible images from Henrique Oliveira’s installation Parada Dos Quasolitos, a walk-in sculpture built from recycled tapumne wood sticks, sourced from the Brazilian urban landscape. On display as part of the “Brasiliana” exhibition at the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, the work is completely disruptive of the senses.

The installation recalls the earliest iterations of Alan Kaprow’s Happenings, where imagination, space, surface, and play all converge into an immersive multisensory experience. Visitors are encouraged to feel, smell, hear and live in the environment for as long as they wish, removing the viewer from the gallery proper.

Here’s a video of the sounds and sights of the piece, along with an overview of the exhibition:

The work is on display until January 5 2014. Get more information on the gallery's page.

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[via Designboom]