Daily Style & Design News: May 20, 2009

Vrigin America is hooking up its flights with Wi-Fi, they're more Jordan Vs coming down the pike, and King Stampede drops a sick new hat.

May 20, 2009

It's finally here: Virgin America is going to be offering Wi-Fi on every flight. Yup. All the porno you can handle, just don't bump the little kid sitting next to you. [Crunch Gear]

The Toro Bravos are coming out this weekend, but a look ahead shows more must cop Jordan Vs. [Sneaker Files]

Everything these days gets the fashion treatment. Even wetsuits! Not sure how technically sound these are (guessing they're for diving, not surfing), but check out this new project by the guy who made the designer gas masks. [bydiddo]

Louis Vuitton collabs with Richard Prince and wraps up the Hong Kong Museum. Damn. [High Snobiety]

Buy this Weed Eater hat from King Stampede. [Boundless]

All the Coors Light in the world can't protect you from David Jeff. [The Shoe Game]