This Story of a Young Girl Shattering a 2,000-Year-Old Vase Has a Happy Ending

Kids won't stop breaking pieces of art.

Image via Times of Israel

Kids break the darndest things. This morning, we told you about a 12-year-old who accidentally punched a hole through a $1.5 million painting in Taiwan. Now, we take you around the globe where a young girl in Israel broke a 2,000-year-old vase, according to artnet.

The vase was part of The Israel Museum's current exhibition of rare and ancient object from Egypt and Rome. The girl accidentally bumped into the glass case the vase was in, causing the artifact to fall over and break. Thankfully, the vase only broke apart on a crack that was already existed and had been previously repaired. After sending the artwork immediately to the lab to be fixed, the museum says that the new repairs are even better than the previous ones. 

"It would require a great effort to notice the crack with the naked eye," a museum representative told artnet. Unfortunately, we can't say the same for the newly destroyed painting in Taiwan, or a Monet painting that met a very similar fate.

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