Arkansas State Recently Broke Out the Fake a Death on the Field Fake Punt Play (Video)

Just when you thought you had seen all the trick plays ever created, here's another one to add to the list.

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Image via Complex Original
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We're not trying to sound old here, but we have seen a lot of trick plays in our day. But never... never have we seen one as crazy/ridiculous/amazing/hilarious as the one Arkansas State broke out against Miami on Saturday. While people initially just saw what looked like a fake punt probably ignored the Oscar-worthy performance by one Red Wolves player in particular who practically faked his own death on the field. 

In retaliation to faking his death, one Hurricanes player went out of his way to tackle the future Academy Award winner to the ground as if he was upset that he got fooled by dude's incredible performance. 


[via Lost Letterman]

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