Instagram Partners With @Nike To Launch First Brand Page Profile

Instagram and Nike launch the very first web profile page, as Instagram looks to offer an overview of recent photos for web users.

words // Nick DePaula

As the world of social media continues to grow and evolve, Instagram, the photo-streaming mobile app that we all check every single morning the second we wake up, has announced it will be launching web profile pages this week. The pages are strikingly similar to parent company Facebook's Timeline profiles, and offer an easy overview of each user's recent photos.

Their first partner?


The Swoosh teamed up to roll out the first-of-its-kind brand profile page and offers a snapshot of several recent photos from its @Nike account. There's a LeBron X road colorway, dramatic Fuel Band shots and an overhead shot of Victor Cruz taking the field on Sunday. Unfortunately, no #FoodPorn to be found. But that's why you follow everyone else probably.

If you're on Instagram (go sign up if you're not), you can follow us on our straightforwardly named @SoleCollector account.

Check for the profile page that's apparently soon to come later this week.